Captured by your Seas

Your eyes are sapphires,

piercing through my soul;

in the most excellent way possible.

It takes a toll on my focus;

I’ve never really known this.

You are your own entire realm;

coaxing me in without any effort.

Your energy is a pure shout of joy and life.

You will not find me wandering into the atmosphere of losing you.

That parched, frigid desert does not exist.

The absence of you is a book I never want to read.

Your presence is a cloud of hope, rejuvenation, and love.

Some spend a lifetime endeavoring this warmth.

I found it at twenty years into my life.

Your love is a spaceship full of aliens,

and I have been abducted.

The most delightful abduction there ever was.


You had me.

You really had me.

You have me as much as a black hole has transparency.

As much as a fire feels frigid.

As much as cake tastes like garbage.

Do you know how far it is?

The distance I will go for another.

Definitely nothing like the span of one sea to the other.

More like between my shoe and the ground.



What is your definition of light? Is it what you see from what the sun emits? Is it the effect of lighting a match? Is it the lantern that you take to go down into the hair-raising, bone-chilling basement?

Or is it a feeling? Have you ever thought about that? The feeling when you watch that despondent scene in a Disney movie, and then everything transforms into everything you hoped for. The feeling when someone does a kind deed for you. The feeling when you kiss the love of your life, the fireworks exploding inside. Maybe it’s the feeling of overcoming your darkest battles.

Or it could possibly be your fur baby, running into your arms after a long day. Slurping their tongue all over your face, every lick is a burst of happiness because they have been waiting all day for this moment, and so have you. Could it be the touch of rolling your weed into a blunt? Such a pearl. So delicate. It might be the touch of her skin, so refreshing, yet so stimulating. Sparks fly.

Maybe it’s the sound of your favorite band. Your favorite song. The instruments in the background that have your heart pounding. Could it be the voice of your favorite person? Every word is like home. You hear their light; making you feel brighter.

What if it’s the smell of Christmas at your grandparents house? The candles burning, the roast cooking, the smell of love in the air. Or could it be the smell of your lover? That natural scent that brings you in closer every time you inhale, instantly calming your mind.

Is it the taste of ice cream on a hot summer day? It might be the taste of her lips. It might be the taste of her entire being. What if it’s the taste of the liquor bottle after you just cried your eyes out? It may also be the taste of the first meal of the day.

To me, light can be any of the five senses.

Light is whatever you want it to be.

Because light is the better part of life.


The leaves are falling. Changing colors, dying, crunching. It’s that time again. I look up at the sky and I don’t see much besides gray. Maybe that’s because I don’t feel alive. But why? Nobody is to blame but myself. Instead of seeing the leaves as dying, view it as morphing. Morphing from an old to a new. So what is my soul? Old or new? I’m always old and always new. I am always changing colors, dying and being born again. Take a second to view what you feel is dead and try to morph it into the new you, leaving the old soul behind. Don’t forget your death; it brought you to your life.

I saw her.

So I’m sitting here, writing away. Engulfed in the depths of my mind, swimming in my ocean of ideas. I look up and there she is. So majestic, so exquisite, so intriguing; by doing absolutely nothing at all. Her presence is a song you cannot get out of your head, but you don’t mind because it is so good. “What are you looking at?” she asks me. I reply with “Oh, nothing. Just everything.” Her eyebrow raises, “Nothing but everything? How does that make sense?” I chuckle to myself because she truly has no clue what my perspective of her is. She has no idea that the rest of my timeline is marked with events between her and I. I saw her through it all.

Oak trees

It is not the tree that defines me.

For it is the root.

That goes deep.

Would you like to take a peek?

No, not you.

Not just any.

My soul are my roots and you cannot snoop.

There are plenty.

Enough to enclose an entire forest.

There is a whole world before us.

Take a leap of faith.

Washed up

Bandaids upon bandaids upon bandaids;

Tell me where the truth hangs.

Is it one of two things?

Shall it be pain? Shall it be sane?

I don’t know.

But here we go, into the unknown.

Diving head first into what I’m oblivious to;

Into a future with hopes and dreams.

Baby, fill the seams,

of my heart,

don’t tear it apart.

This is all I have.

I promise it’s a piece of art.

One that is floating in the ocean,

With no destination and no declaration.

So I’ll go without a doubt,

Into the unknown without.

Crash into me

How many times a night do you dream?

Some things might not be as they seem.

But just take a glimpse into your mind’s tent.

I promise things might start to come clear.

But here’s an ear for you to cling onto.

I’m not really here for the games and drama.

Just take a swig of the midnight hits.

And maybe by the end of this you’ll miss


Into the further we go

When you find the perfect person, you don’t let go.

You fight until you are told to stop.

Go into battle with your whole heart.

Either you come out defeated or you conquer.

Waiting on the island can seem concerning.

Is a ship coming?

Do I gather my survival kit and spread my wings?

I tried not to be so disquieted.

Chaos and I are pretty friendly.

My heart seems to have cabin fever.

Attempting to break out,

but the snow continuously bombards.

Your cotton candy words dissolved into my mouth;

so sweet, fading away with each taste.

The infinite spectrum of possibilities filled my mind.

Love is a roller coaster.

You will go down,

back up,

through loops, upside down.

You will get scared. It will be exhilarating.

Even fun.

Are you going to ride again?

Or choose to never step foot back into the cart?

Reality can come off as the enemy,

dreams being your safe place.

I sometimes feel as if I’m standing on the shoulders of giants.

But other times,

I am the ground itself.

Is my love a ferocious bear needing to be caged?

Or a peaceful dove ready to break free from its cage?

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